
Last year, I embarked on a new creative journey blogging about my experiences in garment construction of costumes for the 2018 Fêtes Galantes at Versailles.  I expect very few people will ever see it, but I want to journal my progress.  For the past few years, my close friend and I have discussed attending the Fetes Galantes at Versailles.

For 3 years now on the last weekend of May, Versailles has opened the Hall of Mirrors and other rooms for a remarkable evening where one can dress in the finery of the time and enjoy entertainment from the 17th & 18th centuries.

I don’t want to bore you with the details of the event itself in this blog as there are plenty of other websites that will give you a glimpse of the possibilities.  Suffice it to say, in 2018, we are making it happen assuming they open the halls for the ball in 2018!  Fingers crossed!

This blog is going to be about my journey in constructing garments for both myself and my wife, Sarah to attend Fêtes.

If you’re interested in costuming, 18th Century fashion in the Georgian style, cosplay, period garments (but not necessarily period garment construction), then I invite you to follow along as each week or two I will post a blog on my progress with details of construction, challenges faced and overcome and likely a few cocktails along the way.